With edibles now being a legal substance in some states across the U.S, individuals are utilizing them for a plethora of different things including; recreational drug use, chronic pain relief,…
Why Are Cats Scared of Balloons? (But Some Love Them!)
When you think of balloons, you tend to conjure up an image of birthday parties, family get-togethers, and celebrations. Based on this, you might wonder why why some cats are…
Can Cats Eat Hummus Safely & What Happens When They Do?
When you’re in the kitchen preparing a meal, often your cat will be there getting in-between your legs, begging for any leftovers or scraps. Whilst most of the time it’s…
Can Cats Eat Sunflower Seeds? (+ Butter & Shells Poisonous)
My British Shorthair loves to gobble down any food that drops on the floor. Last week was a perfect case in point when my SO dropped some sunflower seeds from…
Why Does My Cat Smell My Belly Button? (What the Sniff Means)
Have you ever noticed your cat sniffing around your belly button? They may even try and have a good lick if the opportunity arises! It’s an interesting habit and we…
Can You Insure A Cat for Theft? (How Cat Theft Insurance Works)
Cat theft is unfortunately on the increase, with recent research in the US putting the numbers as high as 60 cats being stolen each week according to data taken from…
How To Keep Cats Out of Trash Cans? (Outside & Inside the Home)
Our cat used to have a trash problem. When we let him outside, he would tear into the trash bags we had left out, even dig into the cans given…
How To Stop A Cat From Climbing & Jumping A Fence?
If you have a fence climber and jumper on your hands, I have some good news for you. Stopping your cat from climbing a fence is far easier than stopping…
How Many Cats Are Stolen In The United States Each Year?
Cat ownership has increased over the last 12 months, as has demand for new kittens. An unfortunate by-product of this has been an increase in cats being kidnapped and stolen…
What To Do If Your Cat Has A Broken Paw?
One of the most common injuries reported in cats are broken paws. These types of injuries can happen anywhere and at any time and can sometimes prove very tricky to…