If you’ve ever blown onto your cat’s or nose, it’s quite likely that you’ve seen a negative reaction. Your cat might have looked upset, snapped at you, or even worse bitten you or a member of your family. But what is it about having air blown on their face that cat’s hate so much?
I decided to look into it some more, so can now present to you all the reasons why cats hate being blown on so much, and even if it hurts them.
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Why do cats hate being blown on? Cats hate being blown on because it catches them by surprise, it is not comfortable, it can be misinterpreted as an aggressive act, and their smell is so acute that they might even take exception to the smell of your breath!
Those are the reasons why blowing in a cat’s face is bad, but there’s more to it. Read on to understand it better and what you should do to make sure you don’t annoy or hurt your cat by blowing on them.
4 reasons why cats hate being blown on
1. Blowing in your cat’s face shocks and surprises them
Most cats expect humans to come up to them for positive reasons such as a quick pat on the head, being called a good boy, given a treat, or perhaps as the precursor for a fun walk.
They do not expect a sudden gust if air to come from a person into their face and up their nose!
It has an effect on their senses which is very uncomfortable. Kitten senses are far more developed than ours; the nose, eyes, and ears are all ultra-sensitive, meaning a little blow on the face is far more impactful to them compared how a human would find it… would you enjoy someone doing that to you suddenly?
What happens then is that many cats will instinctively react to being blown on by turning away or recoiling in shock.
You might also seem them doing what appears to be a quick lick of the air. This reflex action is very similar to how we blink when someone blows in our eye.
This reflex is them actually licking their nose. When you blow on a cat’s face it will quickly dry up the sensitive skin surface of the nose, so they have that reflex to lick it to reapply moisture.
2. Cats don’t find close face to face contact comfortable
When you decide to blow on a cat’s face, it means you need to be very up close to them, right in their face, and invading their space. This will often result in a cat growling, snapping, hissing, or even biting the person doing the blowing.
The reason cats dislike having people so close to their faces, is that they find it intimidating and unpleasant. Cats need space to move, and dislike having things right in front of them. Many cats may learned to tolerate it this, but when you then also add in being blown on, it might just push that cat too far out of his comfort zone.
3. Cats can misinterpret blowing on their face as a threat
Whilst you might think blowing on your cat’s face is funny, they won’t, and it can make some cats angry and aggressive.
The reason why cats hate being blown on in this point is how it can be misinterpreted as an act of aggression. It’s because when cats blow out air and have puffed cheeks, this often the what happens before a fight.
You might have seen this before. When cats first meet, often they will do the play bow in front of each other.
But when things aren’t as playful, cats can initially go nose to nose with air being blown out of their noses in little puffs. It can be quite useful to have a cat scratching tower, if you’d like your cat to make friends with your other cat.
While you know that you’re doing it in fun, your cat has no idea whether being blown on is something that might escalate into a much more dangerous situation.
It’s something they can respond to aggressively.
Quick tip: if you would like your cat to feel less threatened in your house or room, consider buying a multi-level cat tower from which your cat may feel more secure when she climbs on the top.
4. Cats might even find your breath smells too bad!
And lastly, and perhaps a little tongue in cheek, but I think there is some credence to why cats hate you blowing on their face, is that they simply hate the smell of your breath!
It makes sense when you consider that cats have 300 million olfactory receptors in their nose. This is what gives them such an amazing sense of smell, estimated to be 10,000 times more accurate than us humans.
Whilst you might think that your breath has no discernible bad odors, it might not be the same for your cat!
Signs you cat hates her face being blown on
You might see some subtle signs at first that you cat doesn’t like being blown on, or the first time might result in something more aggressive back at you.
Calming signals
If your cat finds being blown on to be unpleasant but tolerable, then they will offer a whole range of body language to try to communicate that they’re not happy and to please stop. These can include:
- Turning their head away.
- Licking their lips.
- Yawning.
- Blinking.
If, however you keep on blowing at them and take no heed of their attempt to diffuse the situation, then they may need to take their response up to the next level.
Feeling threatened
When a cat finds themselves in a situation where they have tried to tell you that they feel worried, but the threat hasn’t gone away, then their instinctual responses kick in.
This also happens when they find something so scary that they need it to stop right away. This means that they may respond in one of four ways:
- Fight: react in an aggressive way.
- Flight: run away.
- Freeze: stay perfectly still and hope the scary thing goes away.
- Fool around: act like a silly kitten in the hope that the frightening thing interprets them as no threat.
While we might hope that our cat picks from options 2 to 4, there’s a good likelihood that it is going to be option 1, to fight.
That choice of response is even more likely if you keep blowing on your cat when they have tried other options without success, such as trying to get away.
You see, from our cat’s perspective, being blown on could be the start of an aggressive attack, and so their response is to fight back. This may mean a growl or a snap or even a bite as they attempt to get the scary thing to stop.
It’s important to know that the growl and snap are a cat’s way of communicating that they really don’t like the situation that they find themselves in at the moment, and they find it pretty scary.
Now, if we heed those signs and stop blowing on them, then everything will calm back down.
But, if you ignore them and continue to do it, then there’s a pretty good chance that your cat will be left with no alternative than to escalate the situation to a bite.
This is very much a case of ‘don’t say I didn’t warn you!’
Does blowing in a cat’s face hurt them?
Blowing in cat’s face won’t hurt them. It is unlikely to be painful, but they might find it unpleasant and annoying. It has a huge impact on their sense of smell, sight, and hearing.
You’ll know from the work of police and detection cats that our felines have an amazing sense of smell, which is thought to be thousands of times better than what humans are capable of.
So, when you blow into their face, they suddenly get an intense blast of your scent, which might be pretty overpowering!
Then, if you’ve ever had a puff of air go into your eye, you’ll know that it causes you to pull away and blink. While it didn’t hurt, it was unpleasant, even if you knew it was going to happen.
For our cats who may be caught by surprise when you blow on their face or not, it’s no wonder that they may tell you in very strong terms that they really don’t like it!
Why does my cat not like me blowing raspberries?
Cats often don’t like you blowing raspberries at them because the noise and sensation is so unpredictable to what they are used to. They can interpret it as a threat, similar to how blowing on their nose provokes a bad reaction.
For our poor cats who are trying to work out all the weird and unpredictable things that us humans do, this is another situation where they have to make a judgment call.
Is that human blowing me a raspberry mean that we’re going to have a game?
Or does it mean that they’re mad with me?
Now, if it happened every day and you blew a raspberry then gave your cat a treat, it wouldn’t be long before they thought that raspberry blowing was the best thing ever!
But that’s not what we usually do.
Unusual and unpredictable situations are tough for our cats, especially if they’re not able to get away from it.
This is why it’s so important always to supervise when cats and children are together; something as innocent as blowing a raspberry could result in a situation where things start to escalate out of control quickly.
Can you blow-dry a cat safely?
In just the same way that being blown on and blowing raspberries at our cats can cause them to want to get out of the way, a hairdryer can have just the same response.
If your cat has a coat that needs regular professional attention, then the chances are that they’ve become used to the warm air drying them off during their trips to the groomers.
But if this isn’t the situation and you suddenly find yourself with a soaking wet cat after a walk in the rain, then you might find that they are distinctly unimpressed with the idea of being blow-dried.
Tips for blow drying a cat without scaring them
- Towel dry first to get rid of most of the moisture from the coat.
- Have your cat on a harness and lead so that they have some freedom of movement, but they’re not able to move too far away
- Have a supply of great treats available; the chance to have something really tasty to eat can mean that they will tolerate being dried off.
- Do remember to have the hairdryer on the lowest settings both for the power of the airflow and also for the warmth of the air.
- Keep the hairdryer moving and at least 6 inches away from their skin to ensure that there is no risk of your cat’s skin becoming sore with the heat.
For those cats who really dislike the sensation of a blown dry, then getting a toweling drying coat might be a much less stressful option for everyone!
Why do cats like sticking their heads out of car windows then?
Now you understand why cats hate being blown on, you likely thinking what the deal is with cats sticking their heads out of car windows. Surely they would hate that even more right?
Well, actually no.
Cats like sticking their head out of car window as it’s a different sensation. It’s not unexpected, is something that have control over, and is a constant stream of air with millions of different interesting scents coming at them.
In simple terms, it’s a smell utopia, or nirvana, that cats can’t get enough of!
Imagine being transported to a new country where everyone speaks a different language, has different ways of doing things, and where their actions prove to be pretty unpredictable.
Welcome to what our cats have to contend with living in the human world!
Our four-legged friends get to understand different words and will learn how to interpret our body language so we can get along with each other pretty well.
But, when a human does something which is totally out of the blue like blowing in their face, a cat has no idea of whether it’s a threat or a sign of affection. This puts them into a difficult situation.
My cat LOVES me blowing in his face. Very gently of course. He leans in and I plant a kiss on his nose. He is in heaven. I imagine the cats just don’t like really loud or violent air blown on them, but a gentle blow close up works for mine.
I am delighted to hear that, Deborah! 🙂
I was so glad and informed to read your article. I was grooming my cat and when a piece of hair landed on her I blew it off. She became very angry. I calm her down and apologized. Thanks for letting me know what not to do and why.
Hi MissSonya,
I’m glad to hear that you found the article informative. Cats can sometimes react unexpectedly to certain actions, and it’s great that you were able to calm your cat down and apologize. Grooming and interacting with our feline friends can sometimes lead to interesting reactions. Remember, each cat has their own unique preferences and boundaries. Your willingness to learn and understand their behavior is a wonderful way to strengthen your bond. If you have any more questions or experiences to share, feel free to join the conversation!